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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Candice Stewart

Name: Candice Stewart
Age: 29
Hometown: New Orleans, La.
Living: Houston, Texas
Occupation: Pediatric Speech Therapist
Marital Status: Single
Three adjectives that describe you: Outgoing, loyal and compassionate.
Favorite Activities: Spending time with family and friends, traveling, shopping, cooking, watching movies & TV, and exercising.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the “Big Brother” house? Not knowing what’s going on in the world and missing my family will be the most difficult.
Strategy for winning “Big Brother”: First and foremost, be myself. Analyze the game as it comes. Be smart and quick on my feet at all times. It is a game after all.
Which past “Big Brother” cast member did you like most or least? I love Ian. I love that he was himself, quirks and all. Plus, the whole New Orleans connection is major. The person I like the least is Boogie. His game vibe just rubs me the wrong way. It came across like a shady car dealer that is trying to sell a woman who is buying her first car a lemon just to make a sale.
What are you afraid of? Honestly, I’m pretty adventurous so things don’t really scare me. I don’t like drop roller coasters, though, and I don’t particularly like rodents or bugs. I guess I am more afraid of more serious life issues like health and the well-being of my family.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I’m so proud that I was able to meet my birth mother. I found out I was adopted at 26 and my life did a complete 180 in a matter of months. I am proud of my strength in pursuing the unknown and holding my family together through the struggle. Now things are great!
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… Always live in gratitude. I feel that life will always throw curve balls and ups and downs. The only way to keep pushing and have FAITH to weather the storm is to find gratitude in the things you do have.
What would you take into the house and why? Pictures of my family and friends. I’m sure there will be days that I need to see love and the people who love me. I would also bring a journal because a girl has to vent right?
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous? If I was to ever become famous either through Big Brother or another facet, I would never forget who I am. I would use the megaphone to work on causes that I am passionate about. I respect celebrities who still appear to be grounded and use their notoriety for positive causes.

1 comment:

  1. Candice is the most beautiful houseguest this season. She left way too early and was treated unfairly in the house. She deserves to be brought back! She was so singled out this season. You're the best Candice! You are gorgeous and shouldn't have ANY insecurities!
